

It’s pretty awesome they tell you how many people have downloaded them but it’s like Facebook needing a “dislike” button. They should also state how many people have instantly uninstalled after running once. I caught the app bug last night and today I am having to go through and disinfect my midnight “I’m bored and downloaded crap” mistakes.
On the other hand Big Bang Theory is rocking my life. What a great unkept secret that my reality tv addiction had blinded me too. Two fun filled Sheldon episodes a day and when I occassionally have a life I get to watch even more on that neat little box called a dvr. I heart you technology. I effin’ heart you.

7 responses »

  1. I delete them all immediately too, my friends sit in the pub showing me these apps that they have thousands of which look cool when you’re drunk, but the novelty of making someones face fat or zombiefied wears off quickly when sober.

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